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Price, selection and convenience all make shopping online great. Still, it can be confusing to know how to "shop smart" online. Keep reading the material that follows and get ready to become an online shopping expert.

A good online shopping tip to remember is to leave feedback after buying from a source you've never bought from before. This will help both of you because you'll remember whether or not you've had a good experience from them, and they will also gain a reputation as a seller.

A reputable online seller should have a history that is recorded with the Better Business Bureau. Check with the BBB before you part with your hard earned money to see if there have been any major or continual complaints lodged against them. You don't want to be spending your money with a company that fails to deliver.

Before purchasing a product online, find out more about shipping. If you do not find any information about shipping costs, contact the seller to find out if there are additional charges for shipping. If there are several shipping options, choose an affordable and reliable option to make sure you receive your product quickly.

A reputable online seller should have a history that is recorded with the Better Business Bureau. Check with the BBB before you part with your hard earned money to see if there have been any major or continual complaints lodged against them. You don't want to be spending your money with a company that fails to deliver.

Never give out your Social Security number to an online merchant. This number is not required for placing orders online. Giving an online store your Social Security number can help them use your personal and private information to steal your identity. To prevent that, if you go on an online store site and see that as a requirement, do not buy anything from them and shop somewhere else.

Never wire anyone money to make a purchase online. This is a method of payment that is used a lot by people looking to scam you out of your money. Using a credit card is better since you can lodge a dispute if your item is never received. Wiring the money offers you no type of protection.

Try to make online purchases only with companies you are already familiar with. Chances are, a store you go to on a regular basis probably has a safe website. But, if you go to a website you know nothing about, you are putting your personal information, like your credit card info, at risk.


Searching is the key to saving money with online shopping. Do a search for whatever it is you want to buy. You can use a traditional search engine like Google, or a shopping-specific engine like so you can more easily see who has the item in stock and what their price is.

If you are unsure whether or not you can trust an online vendor, look up their reviews online first. Many times, customers will post reviews about their shopping experience, both good and bad. One or two bad reviews should not put you off, but many bad reviews should set off warning signals.

Use price comparison websites like to find the best deals online. They allow you to check out every online store which sells the item you are looking for, plus they include important information like shipping costs and availability. You also need to check out warranties and store ratings to choose the best option.

If you shop with particular online dealers, try planning your purchases around the times when they offer free shipping, if they have it. Shipping is a major cost when it comes to online shopping, and sometimes that can make a cheaper order much more expensive. Getting free shipping on your items can save you a lot of money, which you can use for other items, so you should take advantage of it when it's offered.

Do your shopping through websites that offer a reward program if you shop at selected merchants. A typical program enables you to earn points for each dollar spent at participating retailers. Points can be redeemed for gift certificates. This is a great way to get back a little something for the purchases that you have to make anyway.

When you aren't sure about a deal, check online calculators. This makes sense particularly in the case of large purchases involving financing. Do a little number crunching and see if the deal is really all it claims to be. You may determine that the deal is really no better than other online shops.

Sign up on coupon sites that will send you alerts if coupons of your favorite retailers are available. This is a great way to not miss out on any deals that you can take advantage of. These deals usually come in the form of a digital coupon code good for a limited time only. So, sign up for alerts to take full advantage of them.

Don't "talk" to anyone that you don't really know on social media sites, and that includes companies that you have shopped with in the past. Social media sites are vulnerable to hackers, so you never know who is behind the messages you receive. Simply delete messages that are not from real people.

Don't buy from stores that are always giving away free electronics or other big-ticket items. This is a scam perpetrated over social media and email today. If you get an email telling you about such a promotion, check the source to see if it is reliable.

Find out how much shipping costs, and where they are shipping from. This can be a great help in understanding how soon your item will arrive. Some companies give you a specific day your item will reach your home, but you can always get a good idea by finding out where the factory is in the first place.

Use a wish list to save items you want to buy for later. A wishlist allows you to monitor prices to find the best deal.

As you are well aware, shopping online from your home computer or mobile device is highly convenient. You don't have the hassle of dealing with traffic or lines at the store. However, certain risks come with online shopping. You now know how to avoid these risks and fully enjoy the online shopping experience.